
Mission: Get Into the Senate

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America has been an interesting place recently. Political and social issues have more Americans speaking their minds than ever before. Anything can happen. The main issue everyone is talking about right now is the Brett Kavanaugh v. Christine Blasey- Ford case. On September 27th, Ford testified in front of the Senate against Kavanaugh for a sexual assault issue from their high school years. Knowing both the social and political effect of this hearing, the intern team and I figured this would be an important issue to cover.

On the morning of the hearing Michelle, Shirley, and I were speculating on what was going to happen. This was also our first shoot alone so the feeling of excitement was followed with a hunch of nervousness. We got to the entrance of the Dirksen Senate Building and immediately saw people holding signs, shouting chants, and showing support for Kavanaugh or Ford. There were even several news channels covering the event. People were arguing, people were screaming, yelling and we got all of it on camera. At one point, someone came outside and allowed the public to come into the building; we snuck in with the camera equipment (mission accomplished). Unfortunately we didn’t get into the hearing room but as an American, being in the Senate building was a highlight for me. Another highlight was being able to interview protestors about the situation.

Everything slowed down after they put the hearing on hold. We then went back to the office to check our footage and realized we filled both memory cards. We had so much content that we could have easily made a five-minute documentary. Overall, I would say this was a good event and it really helped our spirits to put this piece together.

-Quinton Collins



