
5 Tips For Staying Positive Through The End Of The Year

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Some people may find it difficult to keep a positive attitude for when the end of the year hustle and bustle starts to happen. Here are five tips to help keep you smiling through all of your worries.


  1. Inspirational quotes

When you are stressed, it is not easy to remember how far you’ve come. One of my favorite free applications on my phone is the “Daily Quote” app. Mine is set to remind me to check the daily quote at 8:30 A.M. For example the quote for today was: “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” What a great way to start your day!


  • Materialism is not realism
  • Especially with the holidays around the corner, you may feel pressured to get gifts. Standing in long lines and spending money you don’t have is not the point. Showing someone you care doesn’t have to involve you being angry in a retail store. The act of giving doesn’t have to involve spending. Consider donating your time or making a homemade gift.


    1. Play upbeat music

    If another co-worker seems to be angry about something, it is easy to let that frustration rub off onto you. Consider having your favorite upbeat music station on Pandora playing softly in the background while you do your work.


    1. Try to understand

    That person walking slowly in front of you may be recovering from a hip surgery. That person driving slowly may have PTSD from a car crash. If you feel yourself getting angry with someone, take a second to think why they may be acting the way they are.


    1. Make a list of what you can be grateful for.

    Many people in the world do not have shoes – some don’t even have a warm bed to sleep in. You may have the option to have three meals a day where some little child on the other side of the globe may not know where his next one will come from. Most often we take these things for granted. Write them down and keep them accessible. When you feel like you have nothing, it is a good reminder that you have everything.


    Always remember to keep your head up, because you’re the one who can fill the day with sunshine!

    – Rose Thomas











