
A Wonderful Week of Project Planning, Video Shooting, Postcard Designing, Thesis Writing, Graduation Anticipating and Job Hunting!

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Read on to learn about my most stressful and busiest week of the semester. I’ve been writing papers for The Washington Center and Stockton College, designing postcards for Double R, preparing for the Homeless Children Playtime Project shoot with Blake and Amelie, planning for graduation, job hunting and most importantly figuring out where I’m going to stuff my face with food during the holidays. I haven’t been home in a long time, but my aunt hasn’t seen me in 2 years and she invited me to her house, an hour away from here… Decisions, Decisions!

On Thursday, Blake, Amelie and I began shooting for the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project video. I would like to thank Blake for offering her car so we didn’t have carry all of the equipment on Metro; She’s a lifesaver. Aside from my head pounding from noisy children running around and invading my personal space, the shoot went well in my opinion. Four weeks and counting until I receive my degree. My graduation date is December 16th, however The Washington Center fall program doesn’t end until December 15th. I can’t wait to see how I’m going to pull this off! I have to make sure my grades get into my advisor’s hands well before graduation, find a ride back to New Jersey, move out of my apartment, get a haircut, drive to my college, graduate and then find a job. This should be fun.
-Scott Phillips
