
After Nine Internships…

  • admin

Three months ago, I googled production companies and found Double R Productions. After a quick call, and some small email exchange, I found myself sitting in front of Rosemary Reed for a face to face interview. As a recent grad, I was in desperate need to find production experience in order to bring me closer to my dream of becoming a video editor. Thoughout my internship, I have learned so may things pertaining to the production industry. It is because of my experience here that I have been fortunate enough to finally secure employment with a local production company as their Senior Editor.

All of my blogs, thus far, have been dedicated to providng tips to readers to better their professional experience. After doing a total of nine internships, I want to dedicate my last blog for Double R Productions to those recent grads that are in search for permenent employment. But for this one I only have one tip.


Your passion is something that is unique and personal. It’s something that you not only like, but also love to do. It is what makes you happy. Be brave enough to climb any walls that may build before you on your road to success. Be focused enough to not let those who don’t understand your dreams wreck your dreams. Lastly, and most importantly, have faith that the Lord will carry you through any circumstance. Even if the outcome seems to be unseen, have faith in yourself and your dreams.

“Find something you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life” – Harvey MacKay

– Asia Taylor
