
Conquering My Fear of the Camera

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As a journalism student, I always do research before I make a decision.

Naturally, when Rosemary Reed offered me a summer internship with Double R Productions, I began researching the company.

Double R’s client list, current projects and intern opportunities impressed me. The fact that they specialize in television production is what made me decide to accept the internship.

I go to a school that does not include a production or broadcast program in its communications department, so I knew that Double R would teach me more than I could ever learn at school. On my first day, I felt excited to learn about upcoming projects I would be able to be a part of.

This week, Linda, Brittany and I completed our first assignment, In-the-Camera. We wrote a script, went out with the camera and created our own story. Each of us had to shoot and be in the story. There was one problem with this: I had absolutely no idea how to use the camera.

As we received a lesson on how to assemble and use the camera, I became terrified. I was intimidated by the camera and suddenly all these scenarios popped in my head: What if I drop the camera? What if I completely ruin our first project? What if I press the wrong button and manage to destroy the camera? In the past, I have had a history of breaking my digital cameras, so I was preparing for the worst.

The one thing that did not cross my mind was that I was working with an amazing team of interns, who would be more than willing to help me.

When it was my turn to shoot, I began panicking. Then, Brittany and Linda came to my rescue. They showed me the buttons I needed to press and told me exactly what I had to do. It turns out using the camera is not as difficult as I anticipated. In fact, it is fun and not something worth worrying about. I am so lucky to have my fellow interns there to support and help me.

Now that I have conquered my fear of using the camera, I am prepared for my summer with Double R Productions. I am excited for what the summer holds for Linda, Brittany and I. Most importantly, I know that we are a team and no matter what we do, we will teach and learn from each other.

– Rory Manson
