Due to the pandemic, many citizens around the world are stuck at home. Many people’s daily lives shifted from being outside and interacting with others face to face to being isolated in one area. But fear not, during this time of uncertainty, is the perfect time to be more productive. Fortunately for me, shifting my working life to home wasn’t a hard task. I have access to most of the items and software programs at home to perform the daily duties for my apprenticeship successfully.
One factor that makes working from home good and also tricky is having more time in a day to get production, graphics, and PR/marketing research work done. Since I can literally wake up from the bed and begin to work on assignments and not have to worry about catching the metro or being stuck in traffic, I have more time to focus and complete tasks efficiently. The most challenging thing is making sure that I use the time of social distancing productively and maximizing all the hours in the day to improve my professional portfolio. Being productive is essential during this time and is allowing me to develop skills in the media industry.
One of the many things that I am doing to help improve my professional portfolio is updating my resume. According to Indeed Careers, you should update your resume at least twice a year if you are employed. If you are unemployed, you should update your resume as much as possible. Also, as a result of social distancing, many people are connecting virtually. So this is an excellent opportunity to attend professional development webinars. Many of which are now free. It is a unique opportunity to improve my skills in graphic design, photography, videography, and post-production editing. This is beneficial not only for my apprenticeship right now but also for my future career path. There are many opportunities for me to learn skills virtually. Still, nothing beats having hands-on-experience in a communication agency like Double R. At Double R Productions, as a production assistant, I had many opportunities to work with equipment and software that media professionals use every day. I also had the chance to participate on video shoots, which provided first-hand knowledge of how the media industry operates. Needless to say, I must do what’s best to slow the progress of the pandemic and yet be productive. This is the challenge. Challenge met!
-Monique Brown