
Go-Pro Man

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Sometimes I struggle to come up with a topic for the blog, but this time I can’t wait to tell this story. We were hired by Maslow Media Group to shoot a video for NCUA. During the shoot of OCSM’S Crisis Response safety training video I was an actor, and I had to wear a Go-Pro on my head. The scene was to show a first-person view as I ran away from an active shooter.

Gino, the Director of photography and long time friend of Double R, strapped the Go-Pro on my head. I then walked over to the other extras and waited for my cue. In the meantime, I heard beeping from my newly acquired headgear. I felt like I had bomb on my head, like in the movie Saw. After hearing the beeping sound, Gino cued us to run. I ran with my fellow actors and tried to exaggerate my movements as I reacted to the fake gunshot. However in the middle of running, the Go-Pro slipped and my nose occupied half of shot for that take. I didn’t know until we watched on the monitor as a group. It was really funny. If I have the opportunity to be a Go-Pro man again someday, I will certainly take the gig!

Thank you Maslow Media Group for the opportunity, I had a fantastic time!
