
Helping Out Our Furry friends

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Lucky Dog Animal Rescue welcomed Erin and I to one of their weekly adoption events on June 26, 2010 in Eastern Market. Lucky Dog is a non-profit, all volunteer dog rescue agency. They primarily rely on volunteers from around the surrounding communities to foster these dogs that otherwise likely would have been put down.

One of our assignments through The Washington Center’s Mass Communications Program is to get involved in an organization we are passionate about. It is our duty to find an organization that is dealing with a certain issue and portray that on a video in which we will interview, shoot and edit our own DVD/PSA to present to The Washington Center. Lucky Dog Animal Rescue became our priority.

Erin and I set up the camera equipment at a Lucky Dog adoption event on Saturday afternoon. Lucky Dog has an adoption event every weekend where the foster families can bring out their dogs and show them off to the communities in hopes of finding permanent, loving homes for their furry friends. We interviewed Lucky Dog members about the organization and how important it is to find homes for these loving dogs. We also spent quality time with some of the foster families to these dogs. Best of all, we had the chance to interact with a lot of the dogs that needed homes.

— Holly Bloom
