
Interns on the Rise

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Kirby: It is week three of our Double R internship and there are no signs of slowing down for Briana and I. To my surprise and excitement, there has been something new to learn everyday. Not to mention, there is no shortage of projects to work on. Briana and I began and completed our In-the-Camera video project. We are learning how to operate the Avid editing system from Double R’s masterful editors, Michael Gionis and Paul Jamali. We found pictures and audio to help create an immigration PSA about the 2,300 children (and counting) that have been separated from their parents at the southern border of the U.S. Last but certainly not least, we started laying the groundwork for our pro bono video project with Veterans On The Rise (VOTR). VOTR is a local non-profit organization leading the nation in ending veteran homelessness. Since 2010, Veterans On The Rise has served over 700 veterans and their families. It is truly an honor to be able to work with their organization. This Double R internship is keeping Briana and I on our toes and constantly teaching us.


Briana: A camera shy perfectionist and a goofy, sarcastic intern take a camera and film a short story, what could go wrong? Probably a great deal. Kirby and I spent Monday completing our In-the-Camera project. We wrote a script and shot a video on our own. Our responsibilities included setting up the camera, monitoring audio levels, acting (well, trying to act), and producing. While adjusting lighting and cracking jokes, we wondered how we would carry this into the rest of our workload this summer. Ironically, upon the completion, Kirby and I were introduced to our biggest project of the semester. While we receive so many opportunities at Double R, our biggest role as interns is to provide an opportunity for a local non-profit organization. We began the initial steps of our Pro-Bono video with Veterans on the Rise. We have complete control on this project and maintain responsibility from start to finish. Among other things, Kirby and I will showcase our skills in production and editing, while developing skills to coordinate events, create call sheets, and interact with real clients. We realized how every assignment acts like a drill, with the purpose of making us stronger. We are still in the early stages of the project, and I look forward to sharing more stories along the way. Thankfully, we already have experience balancing multiple roles and working together to get to the finish line.


Briana Shriver & Kirby Cuenod

Double R Productions

Summer 2018
