The Double R team had a highly productive and busy week as usual. The other interns and I, with Paul’s help, have finished editing two videos, which are for Thelma B Thompson, author of the
“Bay leaves and Cinnamon Sticks: Life is” and our Intern Vlog 1. The most exciting thing was when we received a thank you note from Andrea Sims of Lion’s Share Communications as well as news that she sent our video for Thelma B Thompson to Oprah Winfrey for review. Isn’t that amazing!
On the snow day, the Double R team came at the office to work hard. I come from Mongolia; and in the winter, Mongolia is almost always – 31F. Therefore, we always have a lot of snow and ice. If we had a day off for every time that we had a snow storm, then no one would ever have to go to work during the winter in Mongolia. That it why Rosemary’s 2 feet-snow rule is totally reasonable for me. At the end of the workday, we are all proud of ourselves because we have done much work while others are lying on the bed and watching TV. Coming to work everyday, even on snow days, is one of the many reasons that makes Double R the best brand in the business.